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بســــم الله الرحمــــن الرحيــــم

In the name of Allaah, the Beneficent, the Most Merciful

This is not a site for a political group nor for any Muslim organization calling for party spirit (Tahzub). This is purely intended to teach the path upon which the Prophet Muhammad (sallallaahu ‘aleihi was-ssallam) and his companions were upon. There can be no way better than this path. It is the correct path in creed and in understanding of Islam.

The other paths are characterized by the following qualities:

  1. Denying that Allaah تعالى ascended His ‘Arsh (Throne) above the seven heavens in the Most Majestic manner that suits Him and that He is distinct and separate from His Creation.
  2. Denying, altering, or insisting on figuratively interpreting the Names, Attributes, and Actions of Allaah (1)
  3. Denying, or altering the actual meaning ofRu’yah: The Seeing of Allaah by the believers on the Day of Resurrection.
  4. Making analogous comparisons between Allaah and His Creation, leading to Tashbeeh (making parables) or Ta’teel (denying or suspending the obvious meanings) of the Names, Attributes, or Actions of Allaah.
  5. Complete or partial denial of the intercessions approved by Allaah or confirming intercessions not approved by the Sharee ah.
  6. Complete, partial denial, or figurative interpretations of revealed information on matters of-Ghayb like As-Siraat (2) Al-Meezan (3) the Prophet’s Hawd (4), the Torture or Bliss in the grave, the Angels, the Signs of the Hour, etc.
  7. Denying the alarm (Speech) of Allaah.
  8. Saying that the Qur’an is not the Word of Allaah, but a creation of His!
  9. Insisting thatEemaan is an uttering on the tongue only!
  10. Denying that deeds fall under the meaning of Belief.
  11. Denying thatEemaan increases with obedience, and decreases with disobedience.
  12. Denying that Allaah’s Actions are linked to His Wisdom.
  13. Denying the Foreknowledge and the Writing of all measures and preordainment in the Allawh Al-Mahfooth (The Preserved Tablet).
  14. Saying that man creates all or some of his own deeds.
  15. Saying that man has no choice.
  16. Contradicting the principles of Tawheed by offering any form of worship to other than Allaah.
  17. Saying anything about Allaah or about His Messenger(sallallaahu ‘aleihi was-ssallam) without knowledge.
  18. Arguing about the Qur’an and hadeeth, following what is not entirely clear to some, instead of referring it to the clear texts and (or) those learned scholars who follow the Salaf’s Path thus eliminating any misunderstanding.
  19. Complete or partial denial of the validity of the authentic sunnah.
  20. Resorting toBaatini interpretations of texts saying that the texts have an outer aspect and an inner (Baatini) aspect!
  21. Exaggerating in matters of Deen, e.g. easily declaring that such and such is a Kaafir.
  22. Exaggerating about the status of certain men, making them holy, infallible, etc.
  23. To hold sacred certain places like tombs, clothes, etc.
  24. Innovation in Deen: Adding to, or deducting from the prescribed matters of Islaam. Introducing innovative celebrations and declaring them holy.
  25. Laying basics and rules related to the understanding of Islaam without resorting to the Qur’an, authentic Sunnah, & the Salaf’s path.
  26. Insulting the Sahaabah (The Prophet’s companions) or declaring that most of them as Kuffaar as the Raafidah (Rejectionists) of the Shee’ah sect do.
  27. Insulting theSalaf and their followers.
  28. Making a mockery of the Muslims who adhere to the authentic Sunnah.
  29. Giving allegiance to groups and (or) parties irrespective of their creeds and (or) methodologies in the name of “uniting the ummah.” This kind of “unity” which is not based on the true belief in Tawheed and on the way of the Salaf exemplified by the saying of the Prophet (sallallaahu ‘aleihi was-ssallam): “My way and the way of my companions,” is misleading and keeps the ummah divided.
  30. Magnifying the civilization of the  Kuffaar under the pretext of modernization and development was a reaction to some injustices inflicted on some Muslims in their countries. There is nothing better than Islaam, and anything other than Islaam is not accepted by Allaah. The ill practices of some Muslims should not drive to conclusions that the defect is in Islaam. The Muslim is required to persevere under hardships and return to Allah and not sell his Deen for worldly gain.
  31. Dissent against the Muslim rulers, even if they are ruthless, or oppressors. Islaam calls for patience under such conditions. The believer may give advice to the best of his ability, and deny the wrong in ways that may not lead to more evil. The confrontations with rulers led and continue to lead to bloodshed, divisions, and a bad reputation that hinders the Da’wah for Allaah. This does not mean the acceptance of wrong, neither it is a baseless excuse for advocating the munkar. Rather this is a matter of our creed, not an emotional or political view. So hold firm to this matter of your Deen.
  32. Following scholastic and philosophical ways, making them the reference for understanding the revealed texts.
  33. Taking strange stands towards the Bid’ah and the Mubtadi’ah (innovators), by ignoring and/or making excuses for the justification of their Bida’ for worldly or political gains!

The above positions may exist with varied degrees amongst those who follow any of them. And Allaah Knows best!

The deviation from the Manhaj (path) of As-Salaf-us-Saalih is a very serious matter. On the other hand, the adherence to this path should be kept free from partisanship and Ghuluw (excessiveness). It should also be free from leniencies towards deviation (Tamyee’).

Muslims know well that the split of this Ummah into many sects is real and that the protection from this is possible-by Allaah’s will- once we take by the command of the Prophet (sallallaahu ‘aleihi was-ssallam): My way and the way of my Sahaabah.” It is Sabeel Al-Mu’mineen (The Way of the Believers) whom Allaah was pleased with and they were pleased with Him.

- Understand Islam - Saleh Assaleh

1-We ask Allaah’s Forgiveness for some of the great scholars of Ahlu Sunnah (e.g. Al-Haafith Ibn Hajar, Imaam An-Nawawee, and others) who may have indulged in figurative interpretation of some of Allaah’s Sifaat (Attributes). On the other hand it is not right to exaggerate in rejecting all of their works. They have great contributions which enriched the understanding of the Sciences of Hadeeth, Fiqh, Usool, Tafseer, etc. While they may have been influenced by some aspects of the late Asha’rite school, they are not considered to be followers of the systematic methodology of this schoolAnd Allaah knows best. See the Introduction in Ar-Rudud Wat-Ta’qeebaat ‘ala ma Waqa’ah lil Imaam An-Nawawee Fee Sharh Saheeh Muslim Min At-Ta’weel Fee As-Sifaat…by Shaykh Mashoor Bin Hasan Aal Salmaan. Daar Al-Hijrah, Riyaadh, 1413/1993.

2-As-Siraat: The Bridge over the midst of Hell; It is extremely slippery. On it there are hooks, claws, and barbs. Over it mankind will pass. The believers, as Prophet Muhammad (sallallaahu ‘aleihi was-ssallam) explained, “Will pass like the blink of an eye, like the lightning, like the wind, like the birds, and like the fast horses and camels. Some will be saved, some will be lacerated then set free, and some will be thrown into the Fire…” [See Saheeh Muslim, V. 1, Hadeeth #352.

3-Al-Meezaan: The Scale set up on the Day of Resurrection for weighing the deeds of men.

4-Hawd: The Pool of Allaah’s Messenger (sallallaahu ‘aleihi was-ssallam). He (sallallaahu ‘aleihi was-ssallam) said: “The size of my Pool is like what is between Jerusalem and San’aa in Yemen and it has drinking cups like the number of stars in the sky.” [See Saheeh Al-Bukhaaree, V.8, Hadeeth #582.] It is referred to in the Qur’aan (Soorah 108) as Al-Khawther in Al-Jannah.